It's been a labour of love but our brand new Cockatiel aviary is now complete, and the birds moved into it. It is truly wonderful to have an enclosure that makes us smile to walk in to! We always want the best for our animals, and find ourselves walking into their enclosures each day thinking about all of the things that need fixing and making better for them, and at times that can be quite disheartening. To see what CAN be achieved has been a big morale boost for us, and we can't wait to start work on all of the other enclosures. In time we'd also like to build more, but the animals here now have to come first.

A big thank you to those who made it happen... the kind people who made donations and everybody who entered our summer raffle - YOU, as well as our very hard working volunteers and staff, made this possible!
We also took great pleasure in dismantling the old aviary next door once we'd moved the birds, ready to build a new one here too... and slowly get them ALL up to this standard one-by-one! The future's bright, together we can do this!