OH DEER! We received a call yesterday about a deer caught between two fences at St. Chad’s Primary School here in Sedgley. The poor deer had somehow jumped in but because of the way the fence has been constructed there was absolutely no way of it getting back out again and was becoming very distressed and injuring itself. We’d like to say a massive heartfelt THANK YOU to the wonderful crew at Dudley Fire Station who after we thought we’d exhausted every avenue of help, were the absolute heroes that DID come through for us and did an excellent job with their quick thinking and teamwork, catching it up so that we could get it quickly to a wildlife hospital.

We discovered yesterday that there is not enough expertise and sanctuary in this area for wildlife, with most of the dedicated wildlife sanctuaries and hospitals too far to help us in the West Midlands. Saddened by this we’re looking into training and experience for our team so that when we are the last port of call as we were yesterday, that we have a better chance of providing our wild friends with the help that they need, at least until they can be transferred to a dedicated wildlife rehabilitation centre. This will cost money and precious time but we think that it’s something very worthwhile to raise funds for. What do you think?
We’d also like to say thank you to Cuan Wildlife Rescue for their advice and Vale Wildlife Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre who also did their very best to help us and stopped late at the hospital so that we could bring it in. You do a wonderful job.
What a team!