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Halloween at Brockswood is an occasion our animals all look forward to - it means treats, treats and more treats! Of course, it's all in moderation, but what's better than tucking into some pumpkin?

Pumpkins and their seeds are a great source of vitamins and nutrients, such as Vitamins A, E, C, antioxidants, lutein and beta-carotene. The seeds are even thought to aid natural de-worming! What a great way to recycle!

Jack & Davy loved tucking into their delicious pumpkin!

And so did Missy the Raccoon!

Additionally, we all had some great fun dressing up - Rosie the goat loved being our star witch for the year. Even Tuppence, who's a bit shy sometimes, seemed inquisitive as to why her enclosure suddenly bared all things Halloween-y.

So how can YOU make Halloween fun AND safe for your animals?

  • Keep your pets inside - ground your cats, tell your dogs to stay, as trick-or-treating commotion can be quite upsetting. Simply put a spooky film on and give them some love instead!

  • Don't be a stranger. Masks and costumes can be quite frightening for your pets - they don't know who you are! So when around them, keep masks and costumes on the DL. 

  • What about treat time? Make sure all treats given are non-toxic, and in moderation - human chocolate, sweets, and gum are a DEFINITE no-no!

  • What if I'm having a house party? Set your pet up in a 'safe room' - a quiet, chilled environment where they can get away. 

  • Even the best vampire dog can't drink blood. Make sure all decorations (i.e. candles, lights, cardboard cut-outs) are all out of pet's reach. Even things like rubber eyeballs or fake blood can pose a threat. 

  • Not every pet is a dress-up star. Be aware of how your pet feels dressing up; if they're uncomfortable, let them be themselves for this year! Ensure the costume used is safe! Remove dangling parts, masks that cover eyes etc, and ensure your pet can move freely.

  • Customise and personalise. Got a rabbit? Give them a cabbage leaf stuffed with veg as their treat bag. Got a dog? Buy them some new toys! Leftover pumpkin? Feed it to your chickens! Don't be afraid to GET CREATIVE!

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Say hello to two beautiful boys - Jack and Dave.

With all new arrivals, we have to quarantine them for 30 days as a standard procedure; contamination and illness is always a risk with new animals, no matter how healthy they seem, as we can never be 100% sure of their backgrounds, genetics or past lifestyle. Don't worry, though - we keep quarantined animals in a cosy, warm stable catered to their needs. The boys had a treat being pampered by our keepers and being able to listen to the sounds of our farm; all the better for them settling in!

Now though, they are free out of quarantine, and loving their new enclosure in our Walled Garden! Dave, being the friendly boy he is, loves to perch on our shoulders and have a bit of a cuddle (who would have ever thought cockerels would love cuddles?), while Jack is a true adventurer - he can usually be found exploring his enclosure, searching for dips in the ground, and logs to clamber on and let out his mighty calls!

So what's the story with this pair? They were found dumped on-site, outside the gates in a cardboard box, in the early hours of the morning. Although frightened at the time, they've settled in brilliantly now; all the better, for the adventures they're bound to have with us, and their neighbours (or rival clan!) the turkeys.

Why not pay them a visit before we close for winter?

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Our Photography competition - There were many, many good entries, and it took us a while to choose the ones that best stood out to us, but Jay's photo of Duke, Sally's of Leo the Shetland Pony, and Leanne's close-up photo of Henry the Rooster, now hold the exciting title of 'winner'. They won a free place on our photography course; a lovely day of beautiful photos, scrumptious food and the Proteus Reptiles.

Thank you so much to everyone that entered; some of our favourite photos are now on our Facebook page!

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